
Normally an About Us, or About Me, page consists of all the wonderful accomplishments or accolades a blogger/writer has earned. Typically, this page is not an open letter to readers like this. I’m not going to tell you about how great I am, that is not why I am here. However, I’m not going to leave me as some kind of mystery. This blog is real. I am not interested in holding back regarding my struggles, failures, and triumphs. However, each time I sit down to write for this blog, I intend to bring what I believe are the words God wishes for me to write. I plan to get intimate – in a spiritual sense.

Let me start by actually giving an About Me portion. My name is David. I am hoping that alleviates any confusion over the choice of name for this site, or the image at the top. I have struggled with giants all of my life – I suppose we all have our merciless bullies, dark secrets, and hardships. Each of these is a giant, a Goliath if you will. 1 Samuel 17 is the biblical story of David and Goliath. An appropriate theme for the types of articles I hope to publish in this blog. There are many religions in the world that preach everlasting peace, happiness, and a solution to all of life’s problems. We hear the trite contractions and soliloquies day in/day out – Jesus Saves!, God is watching over you!, God helps those who help themselves!

While many of these platitudes are not untrue, they’re usually of little substance or use to someone in the midst of pain, strife, or grief. I’m not going to tell you that being a Christian makes me perfect, or that my life has been cleansed of all hardship. No, it has been flipped, turned upside down in ways that I never expected. I have suffered abuse, I have been faithless, I have been wounded, I have lashed out in anger, I have forsaken God with my actions and words, and I am a sinner. It is not my belief in God that saves me, but faith in the sacrifice he made, understanding that I am in need of a savior, and acceptance of that gift.

I am not a scholar, I’m not a pastor or a preacher, I am a man who went to college for designing websites, I am a man with a passion for the written word, the confusion, and the subtlety of the English language, I am a man in a valley of my life. I am at a place of climbing and striving to know God more than I ever have before and that is what this blog is about. This blog is about a personal, spiritual journey that I hope leads an example of how to LOVE like a MAN of God, how to STRIVE like a MAN of God, how to OVERCOME like a MAN of God, and how to be MEEK like a MAN of God. I invite you, dear reader, to experience this journey with me, to find a deeper meaning and a deeper faith.


David J. Morand

15844291_10202683503164552_3675457068312188660_oDavid J. Morand is a Science Fiction Author, Father, Husband, and Follower of Christ. He recognizes his need for a savior and makes no excuses for his imperfections. As a follower of Christ, David knows he is no different from the rest of humanity, but he has found a measure of peace in his faith. He hopes that you have found the same peace.